Topics of the semi-finals of 2018 Guangdong High School Students MUN


The topics we choose for this session are both closely related to the current heated international politics issues, and controversial to some extent. By focusing on these two topics, we hope we could derive your attention to these topics and see the full extension of them, so that you would have a better understanding of the world and develop holistic perspectives towards them.


VERY IMPORTANT: Please confirm your participation in the semi-finals by contacting the organizing committee or your respective teachers in charge of the matter before 23:59, May 3, 2018, or else you will not be added to the semi-finals competing list.


Note: You should prepare for both topics as well as both sides of each topic, since you will be randomly assigned to any topic for your speech. The same goes for your debate preparation. Bear in mind while doing the research that you have to gain as much information of the topics as possible, and as diverse aspects of the topics as possible.


Topic 1: The Position of the United States on the Palestine-Israel issue.


Topic Background:


On the Palestine-Israel issue, almost the entire international community stands on the Palestinian side and supports the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations, opposing Israel’s unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as its capital and the construction of a separation belt and settlement in the west bank of the Jordan River.


The United States, However, has persisted in its own way, ignoring the opposition of the international community, and has always been partial to Israel on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, including but not limited to the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Specially, the United States used its veto power to vote on a draft resolution on the status of Jerusalem at the UN security council on December 18, 2017. The draft resolution shows no legal effect on any change in the status of Jerusalem in response to the United States’ decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


Although the United States has always been criticized by some countries for double standards on many international issues, it is almost challenging the moral bottom line and the international community on the Israeli-Palestinian issue which will no doubt damage its international image of democratic leaders of the free world.


Speech Topic: The United States should choose to give priority to morality and

support Palestine/ choose to give priority to interest and be partial to Israel.


Debate Topic:


Pros:The United States should choose to give priority to morality and support Palestine.


Cons: The United States should choose to give priority to interest and be partial to Israel.


Topic 2: Migrating to Mars


Topic Background:


Steven Hawkings, renowned scientist who passed away recently, stated repeatedly his vision towards the future of human race: ‘if humans can survive the next 200 years and learn to live in space, then our future will be bright. ...... It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next 100 years, let alone next thousand, or million.’


According to the Dutch not-for-profit Mars One Foundation, its first crew of 4 astronauts will depart from Earth in 2031 and land in Mars in 2032. Additional crews and cargo modules will be sent every 26 months hereafter. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, has given an even earlier schedule: sending astronauts to Mars in 2024.

荷兰一家非盈利基金会 Mars One,计划将在 2031 年把第一批宇航员(共 4 名)从地球送往火星,预计于 2032 年登陆。该基金会还计划在登陆成功后的每 26个月往火星运送宇航员及物资组件。埃隆马斯克,美国太空探索技术公司的首席执行官,则给出了一个更早的时间表:该公司计划在 2024 将宇航员送往火星。

However, back to our Earth, billions of people still lack access to freshwater, hundreds of millions are suffering from malnutrition. Every minute, 20 people are being forcibly misplaced; every minute, more than 190,000 square metres of forests are being lost.

然而,当我们回望地球,我们发现:数以十亿计的人们仍缺乏生存必须的淡水,数以亿计的人们缺少足够的营养。每分钟,地球上有 20 人被迫流离失所;每分钟,超过19万平方米森林被人为或因环境恶化被破坏。

Speech Topic:

Humans should / should not migrate to Mars.  

演讲题目:人类应当 / 不应移民火星。

Debate Topic: 


Pros: Human beings should migrate to Mars  


Cons: Human beings should not migrate to Mars


Please state your stance clearly and try to argue with substantive evidence.
