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 期刊杂志 李东燕: “联合国与国际和平与安全的维护”,《世界经济与政治》,2015年,第4 期,第4~ 22 页。

 学术专著 休·希顿— 沃森:《民族与国家:对民族起源与民族主义政治的探讨》,吴洪英、黄群译,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009 年,第614 ~ 615 页。

 网络资源 联合国《千年宣言》http: / /daccess-dds-ny.un.org /doc /UNDOC/GEN/N00 /559 /50 /PDF /N0055950. pdf? openElement. ( 2015 年9 月2 日)。


 学术专著 Stephen Tierney,“Legal Issues Surrounding the Referendum on Independence for Scotland”,European Constitutional Law Review,Vol.9,No.3,2013,p.361.

 期刊杂志 Robert Goman, Great Debates at the United Nations: an Encyclopedia of Fifty Key Issues,1945-2000,London: Greenwood Press,2001,p.321.






You can choose one of the topics in page 3 to write an essay according to your grade and level of English competency. Participants from Junior High school to the Chinese Committee may write it in Chinese. Other participants, including all Senior High school participants and those from Junior High school who wish to participate in the English Committee, should write the essays in English.


The format of your essay should be as follows:

Typeface: 12-pt Times New Roman.

Spacing: Use a 1.5 times-spaced paragraph with a 2-character indentation on the beginning of each paragraph. Use only one space after each period at all times.


The structure of your essay should be as follows:

1. Introduce the topic you choose to write;

2. Analyze the topic and find due solutions to it;

3. Make a conclusion.


Please state your name, grade, school, email address and the topic you choose at the first page of your essay.



A 组:巴以问题 Conflict between Palestine and Israel




On 6th December, the president of United States Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and meanwhile the United States started to remove the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The news immediately triggered another turmoil in the Middle East, leading to a new conflict between Palestine and Israel. The decision of Trump, however, was criticized not only by the Muslim nations but also by almost all the nations in the world. On 18th December 2017, the UN Security Council held a meeting for a vote on the draft resolution on the problem of status of Jerusalem in response to the United States’ decision of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which claimed that any change in the status of Jerusalem was illegal. Though 14 members of 15 voted in favor, the draft resolution was vetoed by the United States. On 21st December 2017, the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly convened an emergency meeting in which the overwhelming majority of the delegates voted to pass a resolution stating that any decision or action alleging a change in the status of Jerusalem would be invalid.







1. What is the essence of Israel-Palestine issues? Is it possible to completely solve the problem? If so, what should be the solution? If not, what is the biggest obstacle?

2. Why does the United States stick to the wrong position on the Israel- Palestine issues and act in the opposite direction of the entire international community?

3. What kind of deep-seated contradictions do the opposite results of the UN Security Council’s conference and the UN General Assembly’s conference? How to reform the UN in order to solve these problems?

B 组:人工智能 Artificial Intelligence




In October of 2017, Alpha Go Zero, an artificial intelligence (AI) program was released by Google-owned DeepMind. It can learn by itself without any human data input, play millions of ancient game Go against itself in just a few days, and completely defeat both humans and other AIs.


DeepMind 团队CEO和创始人之一Demis Hassabis说:“最终我们希望通过这种算法上的突破来解决现实生活中各种迫切的问题,如蛋白质折叠问题,或设计新型材料。”然而,这似乎已经不仅仅是科技进步的问题了。甚至一些人悲观地认为人工智能的发展将使人类命运陷入黑暗,如文中的漫画所描述的那样。


“Ultimately we want to harness algorithmic breakthroughs like this to help solve all sorts of pressing real world problems like protein folding or designing new materials.” said Demis Hassabis, co-founder and CEO of DeepMind. However, it seems to be not only a matter of technology advance. Some people even believe that the development of AI has cast gloomy pessimism on Human beings’ fate, like the cartoon shown above.





1. What’s your opinion on this issue?

2. Will artificial intelligence replace human beings in the future? Why do you think so?

C 组:贫富差距 Income Discrepancy


据英国卫报报道,占世界劳动人口0.7%的富豪们,控制了当今世上46%的财富,约合280万亿美元。与此同时,全球最贫穷的35亿成年人,每人拥有资产不到1万美元(约7600英镑)。这些最贫穷的成年人,占约70%世界劳动人口 ,总资产却只占全球财富的2.7% 。(“世上最富有的500人,2017年身家上涨1万亿美元”,2017年12月27日,英国卫报文章)


“These millionaires – who account for 0.7% of the world’s adult population – control 46% of total global wealth that now stands at $280tn. At the other end of the spectrum, the world’s 3.5 billion poorest adults each have assets of less than $10,000(£7,600). Collectively these people, who account for 70% of the world’s working age population, account for just 2.7% of global wealth.” (Neate, Rupert. “World’s richest 500 see their wealth increase by $1tn this year.” The Guardian. The Guardian, 27 Dec. 2017. Web.)






1. Why the gap between rich and poor persists? Is it legitimate?

2. Is it possible to fill the gap between the rich and the poor?

3. Some billionaires have set up charity funds and donated their wealth to help reduce extreme poverty. What’s your opinion on it?