


一、 立场文件的内容 

1、 本国在该议题中的基本立场与态度;
2、 本国赞成及签署的与该议题相关的国际协议,本国参与的与该议题相关的国际合作和行动;
3、 本国与该议题的相关程度,对于解决该问题在国内曾经采取过的重要行动、通过的重要法案;
4、 本国对于解决该问题所提出的相关建议(包括国内措施和国际行动);
5、 本国领导人及政要发表的有关该议题的重要讲话;

    为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面以实例说明。如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:
1、 英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;
2、 英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;
3、 英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;
4、 英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;
5、 英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;
6、 国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。




例如,澳大利亚代表在写作关于全球气候变暖议题的立场文件时,可以引用相关资料、数据及本国领导人的讲话和政策支持本国的观点,如:“澳大利亚签署并全力支持《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)以及《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)的相关规定”。






Delegate: Zhang San, Wang Wu
School: Guangzhou No.1 High School
Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Committee: ECOSOC
Topic: International Migration
International Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination. As a developed country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation’s population. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.
The international community has long paid attention to the problem of migration. In 2003, the Global Commission on International Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN agencies can work together to address migration issues. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also working on important human rights issue in international migration. There have also been a number of international documents produced which affect the treatment of migrants, such as the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration. UK is always working to constitute better social environment for legal migrants. For instance, UK put forward the new bill on migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.
UK affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the issue of international migration. UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize migration. UK would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues. Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on migration issues with third-world countries. In details, UK intends to establish express gateways to welcome legal migrants and work with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants. To sum up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.